Beauty may be skin deep, but truly beautiful skin starts from the inside. One of the things girls and women below 30 years take pride in is the appearance of their skin. When your skin appears radiant and glowing and shows the results of being taken care of, it heightens one’s self-esteem and confidence.

Beauty is normally natural and it does not have to be based on make-up. Girls and women can learn ways to maximize their beauty without using make-up. For example, stay away from heavy make-up to achieve better skin tone. A clean fresh face will keep your skin looking its best in the long-run. Beauty starts from the inside too, so you have to pay attention to your diet and exercise.

Here are a few simple tips to get that glowing skin.

  1. Fasting. It may sound cliché, but you can’t escape the fact that fasting is key. Fasting cleanses your gut. You have an inflamed gut because you snack regularly, eat bad foods, especially grains, sugar, and seed oils. Most of our health issues, including bad skin, stems from unhealthy guts. When you consume inflammatory foods, acne flares up on your faces. A good start towards a better skin is fasting. It will fix and cleanse your gut, which in turn transforms the appearance of your skin. Some of additional sub-tips for a glowing skin include:
    • Get enough sleep– We all know how it feels and looks when not enough sleep is had; your skin starts to lose its lustier. Then come pimples and breakouts, and eventually your skin will become saggy. Make sure you are getting the rest you need. This means eight hours of sleep each day.
    • Drink water– There’s no escaping this, you need to keep your internal organs hydrated and flushed out. Water gives your skin more moisture and flushes away toxins and bacteria from your body. Drinks like alcohol and coffee can damage your skin because they deplete your normal electrolytes. It is easy to ingest the recommended eight glasses of water daily. If you fall short, do not fret. Keep going until you make it a habit.
    • Eat well– Sugar messes with your natural collagen production. Sugary drinks like Soda and energy drinks can give you breakouts too. Increase your intake of protein foods and vitamin A, D and E.
    • Avoid Drugs– Nothing ages you faster than consuming drugs because it limits the amount of blood circulation you need for healthy skin.
  2. Clean, Clean, Clean- Take washing your face seriously. You need to wash it three times a day. Wash it in the morning to get rid of dry cells, wash it during midday to get rid of dust, fumes, and dirt. Then wash it before you go to bed to keep your skin free from oil and dirt or dust that has accumulated during the day. Sleeping without washing your face clogs your pores at night and causes acne- but you knew that didn’t you? Wearing a lot of foundation everyday can clog your pores and your skin can become dependent on it. Foundation can also harden skin cells over time.
  3. Exfoliate- Exfoliation is the processby which dead cells from the surface of the skin are removed to reveal fresher, smoother skin. You can do this through face scrubs. Once a week is enough to make a difference. Do not forget about your body- exfoliate your entire body with a good scrub to remove dry skin, stimulate circulation and maintain the skin in top condition so that it can absorb all the nourishing and moisturizing ingredients that it requires.
  4. Moisturize– The skin must be kept hydrated at all times, whether it is dry, oily or a combination. An 80-year-old with just a few lines on her face has one secret: she moisturized all her life. And do not forget the rest of your body. Well-moisturized skin will age gracefully, especially if you maintain your discipline.
  5. Stop Picking your Face- Our hand come in contact with so much dirt and germs that we transfer to our absorbent face. When you are constantly touching or picking your face, it can cause trauma to the skin. This may cause scarring. So, make sure that you wash your hands regularly.
  6. Facial Exercises- As we age, our skin loses its suppleness. Facial exercises (imagine grimacing in different directions) improve circulation, complexion radiance and tone. Do the exercise 10 minutes a day, four days a week, which should firm your facial muscles.
  7. Cut Back on Washing Your Hair- A lot of women do not realize that while skin-care products are problematic for skin, hair products are hazardous as well. The potentially problematic ingredients in shampoo are fragrance and sodium lauryl sulfate, which helps produces the lather in shampoos. Instead of washing your hair every day, wash it every other day. After the age of 30, try to do it once a week. Also, be sure to pull your hair back when you wash it so that residue from the shampoo does not clog the pores around your skin.
  8. Smile more- Many women get concerned about lines around their lips as they mature. But if you spend time smiling broadly and limitlessly, you will build up the muscles around your lips.
  9. Use your Kitchen, Embrace Coconut Oil– Use coconut oil for your skin, scalp, and hair. If you are a woman and have those very many expensive skin products, throw them away. The skin is an organ just like the stomach, liver, heart, or kidney. Why expose it to corrosive chemicals? Simply buy coconut oil (the one used for cooking) and use it. Do not buy coconut oil from cosmetic stores. Your skin flares will disappear. Ensure the coconut oil is in a glass bottle and is cold pressed.
  10. Know the skin you are in– Product do not have to be expensive to work. Know your skin and what works well with it. See a reputable professional if you are unsure of your skin type. Prevent bad skin before it even starts.
    • One thing that stand out is fasting. Fasting will fix your gut. Also remember to drink two glasses of water when you wake up in the morning. Water will rehydrate the skin. When we sleep, we lose water through breath, sweat, and saliva. This is called insensible fluid loss. I also want to mention that these skin products from cosmetic shops lead to dysregulation of hormones thereby predisposing women to menstrual and fertility problems. Remember, Coconut oil in a plastic bottle is NOT coconut oil. It is a concoction of coconut derivatives and synthetic chemicals.


    1. But when we speak about being healthy how often do we give thanks for a healthy skin?! The skin is our largest organ and also works the hardest for us so it’s time we show it a little appreciation, don’t you think ??

  1. But when we speak about being healthy how often do we give thanks for a healthy skin?! The skin is our largest organ and also works the hardest for us so it’s time we show it a little appreciation, don’t you think ??

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