20 Ways for Women in Their Early 20s to be Instantly Happy

The following are easy 20 Ways for Women in Their Early 20s to be Instantly Happy

  • Everyone has a song that lifts their mood and dances to. Why not play it in the morning as you prepare for the day? Why not sing it loud and feel free to dance? I know this applies to all genders but today I talk to my female friends. Keep humming that sweet song throughout the day.
  • Invite that close friend/best but busy friend for a cup of tea or pizza and ask them how they are doing.
  • Invest in your sleep. Buy some nice set of bed sheets and some fluffy pillows. I promise you; nothing beats a luxurious and peaceful night’s sleep to help you feel refreshed and well rested the following morning.
  • Spray your beddings with your favorite scent moments before going to sleep. Who said perfume is just for when you going outside?
  • Tark a warm bath before you go to bed. If possible, do it by candlelight.
  • Get some vigorous exercise in the morning. Even ten minutes are enough to get your blood circulating and supplying oxygen to your brain. If you are not a morning person, you can go for an evening walk and get some fresh air.
  • Categorize your to-do list of activities into small items. Ensure everything for that day is ticked off before you go to bed.
  • Perform a random act of kindness at least once a day. Offer a helping hand to a stranger, tell someone they look awesome, or give someone else way in traffic. Whatever it is, just be kind.
  • Pay a colleague a compliment. Make sure its genuine.
  • Hold your thoughts or tongue the next time someone provokes you or you want to say something nasty about someone/something.
  • Get yourself some really sexy underwear and wear it to work. Make it your little secret.
  • Set a goal that you can accomplish in one day. It doesn’t matter how small it is- just do it.
  • Drink at least a liter of water every day.
  • Pich a day of the week to do absolutely nothing. Yes, pick a day where you do nothing but mooch about the house and refuse to feel the pressure.
  • Paint your toe nails a shade you have never tried.
  • There is that day you feel really down. Watch a funny movie.
  • Give your loved ones a hug as soon as you get home and before you sit down.
  • Find a suitable location and watch the sunset.
  • Snuggle up with a warm cup of cocoa/tea/coffee and your favorite show on a cold day.
  • Save as little as $1 every day. This gives you a sense of responsibility and achievement.

One thought on “20 Ways for Women in Their Early 20s to be Instantly Happy

  1. Absolutely love these happiness tips for the 20s! 🌟 Embracing these suggestions to create a joyful and fulfilling journey through my 20s.

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